Kemlon Kemlon

PPWCM - Plastic Molded Cable Male

Temperature: -60 to 162 ° C
Pressure: 0 to 2,500 psi @ 25° C
Body: APK 1000, standard (see plastics chart for options available)
Conductor: Copper alloy, gold plated
Insulator: APK 1000, standard (see plastics chart for options available)
"O" Ring: Viton - 95 duro shore A
Seal: APK 1000, standard (see plastics chart for options available)
Boot: Neoprene, standard
Cable: Neoprene jacketed cable, standard. Specify type and length. See cable charts. Customer may furnsih cable.
PPWCM Kemlon Connector
Pin Size Maximun Voltage V.D.C Operating Voltage V.D.C Maximum Current Amps @20°C Maximum Current Amps @200°C
#20 500 250 8.7 5.6
#16 1000 500 14.7 9.6
#12 2000 1000 24.5 15.0
#8 3000 1200 39.0 26.0

Part Number Pin Qty Size Shell Size
16-B-8063 2 - #20 1
16-B-8064 3 - #20
16-B-8065 4 - #20
16-B-8066 5 - #20 2
16-B-8067 6 - #20
16-B-8068 7 - #20
16-B-8069 2 - #16
16-B-8070 3 - #16
16-B-8071 4 - #16
16-B-8072 8 - #20 3
16-B-8073 10 - #20
16-B-8074 12 - #20
16-B-8075 5 - #16
16-B-8076 7 - #16
16-B-8077 2 - #12
16-B-8078 19 - #20 4
16-B-8079 10 - #16
16-B-8080 3 - #12
16-B-8081 4 - #12
16-B-8082 3 - #8
Shell Size A Stub Acme 2G B Hex C Dia D Length E Length F Length G Max Dia
1 0.875-10 0.813 1.063 1.23 1.52 4.17 0.52
2 1.063-8 1.000 1.250 1.31 1.78 4.85 0.64
3 1.188-8 1.125 1.375 1.37 1.96 5.12 0.76
4 1.438-8 1.375 1.625 1.37 2.32 5.49 0.88

Optional glass sealed construction is available for pressures over 16,000 psi and temperatures over 162° C. To order glass sealed construction, specify the part number, followed by a -10, followed by "Glass Sealed Construction"