Kemlon Kemlon

PWCFR - Right Angle Molded Cable Female

Temperature: -60 to 162 ° C (-20 to 220 ° C with optional KN-34 or KN-42)
Pressure: 0 to 16,000 psi (0 to 20,000 psi with optional glass sealed construction)
Body: Inconel
Conductor: Copper alloy, gold plated
Insulator: APK 1000, standard (see plastics chart for options available)
Coupling Nut: Aluminum Bronze
Contact: Beryllium copper
Elastomer: Neoprene, standard (See elastomer chart for optional rubber compounds)
Cable: Neoprene jacketed cable, standard. Specify type and length. See cable charts. Customer may furnsih cable.
PWCFR Connector
Pin Size Maximun Voltage V.D.C Operating Voltage V.D.C Maximum Current Amps @20°C Maximum Current Amps @200°C
#20 500 250 8.7 5.6
#16 1000 500 14.7 9.6
#12 2000 1000 24.5 15.0
#8 3000 1200 39.0 26.0

Part Number Pin Qty Size Shell Size
16-B-6194 2 - #20 1
16-B-6195 3 - #20
16-B-6196 4 - #20
16-B-6197 5 - #20 2
16-B-6198 6 - #20
16-B-6199 7 - #20
16-B-6200 2 - #16
16-B-6201 3 - #16
16-B-6202 4 - #16
16-B-6203 8 - #20 3
16-B-6204 10 - #20
16-B-6205 12 - #20
16-B-6206 5 - #16
16-B-6207 7 - #16
16-B-6208 2 - #12
16-B-6209 19 - #20 4
16-B-6210 10 - #16
16-B-6211 3 - #12
16-B-6212 4 - #12
16-B-6214 3 - #8
16-B-6215 14 - #16 5
16-B-6216 17 - #16
16-B-6217 7 - #12
16-B-6218 4 - #8
16-B-6219 55 - #20 6
16-B-6220 7 - #8
16-B-6221 26 - #16 7
16-B-6222 37 - #16
16-B-6223 48 - #16 8
16-B-6224 60 - #16 9
Shell Size A AS-568 B Length C Dia D Length E Length F Length G Max Dia
1 -013 0.83 1.000 2.50 2.37 1.42 0.50
2 -016 0.89 1.313 2.58 2.70 1.44 0.58
3 -018 1.08 1.563 2.77 3.28 1.44 0.70
4 -021 1.43 1.813 3.11 4.15 1.44 0.82
5 -024 1.43 2.125 3.17 4.15 1.50 0.90
6 -028 1.64 2.375 3.40 4.85 1.51 1.18
7 -030 1.71 2.688 3.48 5.17 1.52 1.43
8 -032 1.96 3.125 3.82 6.05 1.61 1.73
9 -035 2.11 3.375 3.98 6.49 1.61 1.97